Anguish & At Last

William Scott Mc Fadyen
1 min readDec 22, 2022



To sing the worst
note of life ..

The sword must fall
Blood we spill binds
I commit to why

Of heart withholding

In anger is no choice
Fatal desire taken
Reason has no place

Vengeance unleashed

Colourful eyes have faded
Dreams season treasured
This flame no longer

An essence

Answer is surrender
Truth becomes anguish
Carry one more tear

As we can never come home

Written on november 23rd/2006 and rewritten on december 17th/2022.
Inspired by the film “Hero” in a scene where Flying Snow
challenges Broken Sword to a duel and he gives up to show
her the truth.


We release from a fetal cry…

From the last note of heartstrings
I hear your song from within
Sweet voices to hold us
I bow my all with you
We now go home
As one…

Written on november 23rd/2006.
Inspired by the film “Hero” in the
scene of Flying Snow’s
final repose.



William Scott Mc Fadyen

A Dimensional Being Looking Through The Lense Of Material And Immaterial Realms To Reach Our Spiritual Journey In Evolution.